Prime Video’s new spy thriller tells the story of Citadel, a global spy agency. Elite agents of Citadel, Mason Kane (Richard Madden) and Nadia Sinh (Priyanka Chopra Jonas), had their memories wiped when the agency collapsed eight years ago. Unaware of their past lives as spies, they’ve been living new lives, until Bernard Orlick (Stanley Tucci) tracks Mason down, and Mason seeks out Nadia. Can they stop Citadel’s enemy, Manticore, before it is too late?
The six-episode spy thriller, which premieres today with two episodes, will air on Fridays this spring. “I think living between six and eight is very healthy,” showrunner David Weil told Collider on why season one is only six episodes long. “I think it allows for storytelling that’s propulsive where you don’t have an episode that’s like, ‘Oh, well, that was the off episode where they’re just biding time.’ “
He added, “I don’t know, for a future season, you know, six, seven, eight, nine, but I think that in the edit, we really found what worked for us, and it was the six-episode story. We never want to write past, or shoot past, stories. We never want to bore the audience or bring them along, or deviate from the story just to fulfill an episode count. So we try to be as lean and mean and economical in the storytelling as possible because the audiences demand that. There’s so much to watch, we’re fighting for their attention, and so we think this will be a real thrill ride for them.”
New episodes will drop weekly on Fridays at midnight Pacific time on Prime Video. The schedule of the six-episode season one is as follows:
Citadel episode 1 release date
- Episode 1, “The Human Enigma”: Friday, April 28, 12 a.m. Pacific / 3 a.m. Eastern
Citadel episode 2 release date
- Episode 2, “Spies Appear In Night Time”: Friday, April 28, 12 a.m. Pacific / 3 a.m. Eastern
Citadel episode 3 release date
- Episode 3, “Infinite Shadows”: Friday, May 5, 12 a.m. Pacific / 3 a.m. Eastern
Citadel Episode 4release date
- Episode 4: Friday, May 12, 12 a.m. Pacific / 3 a.m. Eastern
Citadel episode 5 release date
Episode 5: Friday, May 19, 12 a.m. Pacific / 3 a.m. Eastern
Citadel episode 6 release date
Episode 6 (season finale): Friday, May 26, 12 a.m. Pacific / 3 a.m. Eastern
Star Cast of spy thriller web series ‘ Citadel’ (citadel star cast’
in this spy thriller series, you can see Bollywood & Hollywood actress priyanka chopra jonas as (Nadia Sinh) she is playing the role of a top-class spy agent of Citadel. & At the same time, actor Richard Madden plays the role of the 1 spy agent of Citadel (Mason Kane). As we see in episodes 1 & 2 they both lost their memory after the train blast accident but at the end of 2nd episode. we see Nadiya Singh (Priyanka Chopra Jonas) inject her memory into the body. after that, she fights well & saves mason kane. but still, Mason Kane’s memory is not lost. Because after the attack on the road when they guys take x case back Mason Kane’s memory bottle got damaged. & he cant inject them into his body.
after all now the story will continue in episode 3 or are so excited to see how Priyanka Chopra Jonas lead the Citadel mission & how she trained Citadel’s no.1 agent Mason Kane. The next episdoe of Citadel will be telecast on prime videos at Friday, May 5